Thursday, March 10, 2011


Have you been out reticulating? Some folks call it networking. The other night while at an event a professional sat down beside me and started up a conversation. The event had been open a little over an hour. We discussed the usuals then began talking about networking and the value of live networking over all other types. He felt live was far better and I agreed.

After a few minutes he got up and left. Said he had done all he could and didn't really have any luck. I felt so bad for him because he didn't realize how much he had missed. I sat and checked messages then went back into the crowd and actually met a few more folks then wound up having a long conversation with another about Toastmasters. They asked me.

What did I learn? Make that last trip through as you never know who you might run across. Someone else may have pointed you out, unknown to you, and as you pass through again you could be approached.

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