Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Can you say NO?

In conversing with a fellow Toastmaster the topic came up about a perfect opportunity(job) except the sensing from the interviewer. The interviewer seems very negative about their current team and was looking to hire a new person. This interview-ee was apprehensive and even became more nervous and didn't know why. With further discussion they realized their nervousness may have been due to the interviewers negative attitude. All of a sudden they saw the potential that this could affect them later on. Ergo the nervousness was about that "intuitive" feeling.

We need to pay attention to our "selves" as it can give off great tips and information. Without listening to those feelings you may wind up being that person taking the position, because it fulfilled our original goal of becoming re-employed, yet the fit wasn't right.

Therefore sometimes we may have to say no to the offer.

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