Saturday, March 27, 2010

What's in your Easter Basket?

Have you filled your Easter Basket with goodies yet? If not you may want to get busy. Remember that April 4 is Easter this year.

But why wait till Easter, once a year. You should be filling your basket every day. You need to be putting goodies in all the time, not just once a year. As you continue your search for your next opportunity you need to also be planning for the one after that. It's not that this next one won't be the best and last forever. It is more in staying in the loop as to what is going on. When you are searching for that next opportunity you continue to learn about new ideas, new technology, new services, new businesses etc. Why would you not do that during the best of times.

The more you know, can do and care about may just help stave off being blind sided with an unexpected layoff.

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