Saturday, March 14, 2009

Current Fiasco

Is it looking bad to you? Are the papers and news media telling you how bad it is? Do you believe them?
You should, it is an ugly picture. Yet we have been through rough times before. They are never exact duplicates but they cause havoc. As a nation we always get through with lots of hard work and perseverance.

A big change over the "better" times is you need to be more focused, work a little harder and look for more rocks that need to be turned over. Think outside the box. Each week I hear interesting and new and innovative ways to look for contacts or opportunities.

Don't forget all your friends and those like you that are also unemployed, get together with them and have coffee and talk.

1 comment:

EdinNJ said...

To find out if there is any mutual support group or job club in your area that already exists, check out listings at:

Take care and hope,

- Ed