Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I have an offer but am hoping for another more suitable opportunity.

This is the position you want to be in. "Two birds in the hand...". Of course it does create a dilemma of which place to take. After hours and days of research, networking, talking, personal relationship building and then interviewing you wind up with multiple employment offers.

What to do? Everyone arrives at their decision in their own way. Whether it be by salary, location, challenge, potential growth or you name it. The big issue is do you feel comfortable with the people and the position. Sometimes you need to listen to your intuition and allow it to assist you. Folks have come back and expressed their mistake for taking the most money only to find out they were not happy. Remember that one situation worse than being unemployed is not liking the position or the people.

It is up to you to balance this out and make your best decision. The worst that happens is it doesn't work out for any reason. The positive side to that outcome is you have another chance to re-invent yourself to your next being.

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