Wednesday, February 18, 2009


On Sat. Feb. 7, 2009 Marv Serhan spoke with the Leadership Forum. The title of his talk was “A view from the trenches; why we follow.” He spoke of "Arete" which actually has some marks over letters. It;s basic meaning is "goodness", "excellence" or "virtue" of any kind. and it is pronounced "air-a-tay". It derives from the Greek and basically was spoken about to mean "Always do your best".

When we go out there in search of that next opportunity we need to do our very best at searching, qualifying, preparing and interviewing. Even if you later decide it may not be the spot for you do your very best in the interview.

We want to always do our very best at all the positions we work in, for ourselves. We need to know we did our very best no matter the company.

Let you live with Arete.

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