Monday, October 17, 2011

Have you found your costume yet?

Halloween is just around the corner you know. In my day we never bought costumes, we made them from whatever we could find around the house or neighborhood. We didn't have the money to buy one anyway. When I ask my children why they'd buy one when they could make one and have a family project they just roll their eyes at me and go about their business. It takes too much time, cheaper to buy it, can't be bothered etc...etc.
We are lacking creativity or gumption or maybe it is a feeling it won't be as good as the store bought one. The kids miss out too.
Use some creativity on your resumes, your introduction of yourself, where you look for possible opportunities, what events you attend. Take a new look once in a while as you never know what you might learn. You may even learn some things you won't do again.

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