Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Equivilant time to become re-employed

The other day someone asked if it was true that it usually takes one month, for every $10,000 in salary earned, to become re-employed. That was a figure I had read years ago and have heard it bantered about of late.
That set me to thinking that the figure is for those looking for an excuse to take their time. There is nothing wrong in taking ones time as it can be worse to accept an offer that isn't right. As I set about thinking about that formula it occurred that the number was a great number. It seems to me that it may be more of an effort formula. The more effort one extends the better the odds of recovering sooner.
Of course that effort entails careful planning, interviews and most of all knowing exactly what we want to do. There can lay the delay.

Your success still depends on you meeting new people everyday and learning and helping all you can.

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