Monday, January 14, 2008

LinkedIn revisited

Why should you spend your valuable time partaking in social networking (LinkedIn in this case)? The world is changing and social networking is a valuable tool. Not just a fad but a usable tool. Take it one step at a time, filling your profile then poke around. You needn't fill the profile all at once. Take your time and look at others, they will give you some great ideas. Look for your friends and business associates and connect with them. Don't worry about your count, just work on one at a time.

LinkedIn continues to add new features all the time. Your ability to search and connect gets better all the time. Forwarding profiles to another is a useful feature. Be sure and make use of the recommendations. Don't ask others to recommend you, you recommend others you feel are deserving of your personal words. Amazing what will happen in a short time.

How about ten reasons why you should consider LinkedIn by Guy Kawasaki.

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