Wednesday, December 27, 2006

It's a New Year

The new year is around the corner. What are you waiting for? Get out there and have some fun, meet some new people and learn something. The opportunities are bountiful. If you are not finding all those opportunities then maybe you are looking in the wrong places.
Get out there and network. Remember that networking is always more giving than taking. Remember your mother told you it is better to give than receive, she is right.
Next, get yourself into a positive frame of mind. Oh yes, you say how does one do this? Find other people to network with. Attend a support group. Visit a Toastmasters club. Go see a movie, so many ways to do this.
Goal setting for many is paramount, you might want to sit down and lay out some short term goals for the new year, this is a great time for that.
When it seems so hard to do, be sure you are looking for ways to make this fun.

Happy New Years

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