Sunday, June 21, 2009


Affirmations come in many forms. They can be very useful for your brain. When you can see where you are going or what direction you will find your brain is assisting you all the way. As I look back to my youth and remember a few goals or items I wished I had done or had, it amazes me how many have come to fruition.
You've heard of the task writing your goal on a piece of paper, hanging it on the mirror so that every morning you'll see it first thing. After a short while your mind might begin to ignore it yet it is actually triggered to know what it is about and lays in rest in your subliminal mind.
Like many sage philosophers have said "You are what you believe or think you are." You can do what you think you can do. If you don't believe that you can find thousands of books in the library that will tell their stories of success because they knew they could do it.

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