Sunday, March 30, 2008

Words from others

Over two years ago a gentleman attended the Support Group. Being a CFO he wasn't very used to networking except in a few select venues. As I traveled and attended meetings I would spot him. Within a few short months he became re-employed.

Please feel free to read his words and let them ruminate in your mind.

Friday, March 28, 2008


How about coffee Sean, could we meet and have a cup of java and just talk? Why would you ever do this? Why Not!

Meeting people to talk and share, learning about them will lead you to new places. We don't always want to have a specific goal in mind, like a "job". As has been professed here before go ahead and have fun. meet people and learn something. When we show interest in others, genuinely we learn about them. They feel good that we care. Have you ever felt good when someone asks you about you, or what you like etc?

Whether you are seeking a "job" or an opportunity, new business or sales it is always good to meet new people.

Meeting over a cup O'Joe or water and just talking will be fun and interesting.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


What does marketing have to do with getting to your next opportunity? Some will say none and others will say a lot. Simply stated marketing is how to present a product or service in a manner that interests others.

When you are in the job hunt, or as I like to say "Looking for opportunities", the game is to get in front as many people as you can and build relationships. You do need to market yourself in addition to filling out applications. You need to be talking to as many people as you can, not always for the purpose of applying for a position.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Personal relationships

Seeing a question on LinkedIn the other day made me think. The question had to do with "...have you gotten any business from your social networking on LinkedIn?" That made me wonder what others think "social networking" is and for.

Relationship building is all about networking and getting to know others. There are certainly degrees of knowing someone. Some people we know intimately and others not so much. Normally we prefer to hire people we know, work with people we know and buy from people we know. Even if it is knowing them a short time. Degrees!

LinkedIn is a great tool, just like websites. Some websites are more suited to sell a product or service. Most are for information and letting people get to know you.

Learn more about other people and you will learn more about yourself.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Social networking is here. If you haven't noticed you may want to. Why use LinkedIn or any other social networking medium. You may want to read Guy Kawasaki's Ten reasons to join LinkedIn.

These phenomena are becoming more than just a time consuming event on the computer and web. It is growing as a very useful tool for more people everyday. The best part is it is an excellent way to stay in touch with more people. Being in contact with more people makes you more valuable to yourself and others.

Whether you are searching for your next career opportunity, looking for past contacts or doing business you will find this tool very helpful.

Several people have contacted me commenting how they were very reluctant to use LinkedIn and have now began using it and finding the virtues of it's value.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Chris came to the group several months ago. Chris had graduated from college with an engineering degree, moved west and took employment in Portland. After seven years Chris was downsized, then decided to take a trip around the world for a year. Upon return
Chris came to the Support Group. During the meeting, Toastmasters was discussed. Chris decided to check Toastmasters out.

Fast forward a few months to this week. Chris and I were sitting next to one another at a meeting. After the meeting Chris looked at me and said "thank you", to which I thanked Chris. Chris said "No, I mean thank you for getting me into Toastmasters". I was almost embarrassed from pride. Chris could feel the growth in just the first four speeches. The ability to communicate even more clearly and be heard. Even personal conversations had improved.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Another cycle

As we can all read the headlines and get prepared to worry, have excuses, get depressed you need to remember that we have always gone through these cycles.Since starting this group in 1991 we have seen several already.

What does it mean? More scary stories, people worrying and in time folks will be back working or adjusting their lives.

Stay in touch with friends and family and keep your spirits up. Continue to have fun, meet people, and learn something.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Who wants/needs me?

Do you ever wonder who needs you? Who needs/wants to hire someone with my talent or skills? The quick answer is a lot of folks do. But where are they you ask? They may be right under your nose, in front of you. That's easy for me to say. Doesn't answer that question you have/had.

There are numerous ways to find these opportunities. The most fun and efficient way is networking. Talk to others. Really "Listen" to them and you'll be so amazed to what surfaces.

As Benjamin Disraeli once said "The secret to success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes".

Listening will get you more opportunities than talking!