Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Leave a People Trail

Ed Burpee once said to "Leave a people trail, not a paper trail". Those words are still espoused today and so very relevant. When referring back to my tennant to "Have fun" we find people are far more fun than paper. It is easier and simpler to shove paper around and file it, but that is where it stops, usually filed. As you traverse your daily spectrum and get out to see people, no matter where, be sure and make acquaintances and dispense any wisdom you may be able to.


Richard I. Garber said...

One way to leave a people trail is to think of what you are doing when you meet people as netweaving (making a quilt) rather than networking.

Netweaving is an an altruistic "win/win" form of networking in which the "NetWeaver" concentrates on “What's In It For YOU?” rather than “What's In It For ME?”. Robert S. Littell coined the name and wrote a couple of books about it. See his web pages. A brief outline is at: and a longer seven part description is presented at: (click on the Download Articles button).


Anonymous said...

People should read this.